Story Samples (click to scroll):

(fast paced, comedy)
(slice of life, heartfelt)

(quiet, character-centric)
(silly, sincere)
The Last Cookie
(fast action, comedy)

Three silly creatures battle for the last cookie
in the jar.
This sample attempts to visualize what a cartoon pilot for my personal project, Foofies.fun, might look like using a simple plot. Though not much longer time-wise than my Grocery Shopping short, it ended up having many more panels. Nevertheless, I did my best to convey the action as efficiently and energetically as possible.
In this short, the fight between three 'foofies' (fairy-like monsters that love sweets) named Diannabelle, Pinball, and Jibberjabber for the last cookie at the local cafe gets out of hand and ends up destroying the neighboring towns.
Original designs for featured locations Souffle's Cafe/Merry Thicket, Ribbon Cloud, and Everlight Lane by my colleague, the programmer of Foofies.fun.

The three foofies' appearances
in the pilot are modified from the original character art I made for them to be more suited (and easier to draw) for animation.
Paper Thumbnails
based on screenplay by me

Video Animatic

(slice of life, heartfelt)
Two siblings, Pony and Dino, go grocery
shopping for a special occasion.

Original Thumbnails
based on script by me

A concept I really love is "a story where nothing happens."
To that end, I decided to make a scene about a very mundane situation but turn it into something that's still fun and engaging.
In this case, a little brother, "Pony", and his big sister, "Dino," are buying ingredients
for the birthday cake they're planning to make for their mother.
Animatic Version
(silly, sincere)

On a gloomy afternoon, a girl afraid of earthworms
becomes determined to rescue one off the road
This is a short sequence I put together for the Nickelodeon Artist Program application. Based on a true story!

Bus Breakdown
(quiet, character-focused)

A group of strangers beat the heat and the boredom as they wait for a rescue bus to arrive.
The focus of this project was character acting, and the final sequence underwent many revisions and complete overhauls. However, I'm glad I didn't give up on it and I like how it turned out. I wanted to write a story about making up for a mistake. In this short, the main character, Dennis, must step up and take charge after causing his passengers to be stranded in the desert.
Character Designs